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Decimal Point

You may switch between a point and a comma used for displaying amounts.

Number of days in main list

The number of days for which transactions are shown in the list on the main screen has a negative effect on performance. It should be kept to the default of 32 days unless there is a reason to have more.

Security Code

You may enter a security code consisting only of digits. If it is filled, you will be prompted to enter it each time you start the application. This is meant only to prevent casual users of your phone from seeing your confidential data. It does not prevent hackers with root access from getting to it.

Email To/CC

You may specify default email addresses to be used when sending export files or reports by email. If you specify more than one address, they must be separated by a comma.

SD Card Directory

You may specify a directory on the SD card where all export files and photos are stored. If the name starts with a slash, then it must be a valid full path name (like /sdcard/gbaMoney).

Default Camera Directory

On some Android devices the photos taken by the camera are not stored like they should, but in a default directory on the SD card with a default name. If you specify this directory here, then an attempt will be made to find the most recently shot photo and rename it to the correct name and directory. You may append the file name prefix to the directory name in order to filter just these file names. Example: /sdcard/DCIM/100MEDIA/IMAG (for file name IMAG0072.jpg).

Database Name

You may create additional databases and switch between them by entering a name. They are useful for experiments without risking to corrupt the main data, e.g. importing a CSV or QIF file and checking the results before importing them in the main database. The default database has no name. If you change or clear the name and press OK, then the app will be finished and you must restart it. The non-default database name is shown in the screen titles.

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