
What's new in v1.1.0

The user interface has changed a bit, but the underlying data model is still the same.

Search text

You may enter a word or part of a word and find all the items containing it in the product name or notes field.


You may enter a sequence for each item. This can be a number or text indicating the department in the shop. The shopping list can optionally be sorted by this sequence, so you will be presented the items in the order that you are shopping them.

Sort order

In the item list there are buttons for changing the sort order. It may be either by priority and name or sequence, or just by name or sequence.

Shopping mode

In the item list the is a button for selecting the shopping mode. In this mode touching an item in the list will just change the priority to "checked off" or to "normal", while normally the edit screen is opened.


On the item edit screen there is a camera button for taking a photo of the item. It will be put on the SD card in a directory gbaShop and you may view it by long-pressing on the item in the list and selecting the context menu option View Photo. The label Photo is shown in the upper right corner of the item in the list.
Unfortunately this camera function does not work with all Android devices.
