

Item An item can be a password, a credit card or any confidential data you like. It can be based on a template (fixed fields), have individual fields or just the notes field.

Categories help you organize your confidential data items. You may have a category for all your business passwords and another one for all your private passwords.

Template Templates are optional, but they help you organize your confidential data. If an item is based on a template, it will have the fixed fields of the template, otherwise it will only have the multi-line notes field and optionally individual fields.
Some templates are predefined, but they can be changed or deleted, and new templates can be created. If you change or delete a template, the items based on it will not be changed, they will keep the fields of the original template.
Field Fields can be part of a template, but they can also be individually defined for an item.
Master Key The master key is a long key composed of letters, digits and special characters, that is used to encode the confidential data. For best security it should have at least 16 characters and not be composed of words that can be found in a dictionary (which could be used for a brute force attack). It must be entered each time you start the program, unless you checked the option for remembering it, in which case you have to enter only the short unlock key. This convenient solution is not recommended, as hackers might decode the master key by brute force attacks.
Unlock Key The unlock key is a small numeric key (typically 4 or 6 digits long) that you have to enter each time you open a confidential data item, if you have not used the program for a short while. If you repeatedly enter a wrong key, it will be deleted and then you will have to enter the long master key in order to create a new unlock key.
