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This screen shows the most recent transactions. You press the button Expense, Income or Transfer for creating a new transaction. Existing transactions can be edited by touching them in the list.

Normally transactions are mixed for all accounts. The current balance of the most recently used account is shown below the title bar as well as the total of all accounts with the default currency (accounts with other currencies are converted using the most recently entered currency rate if there is one, otherwise they are not included).

If you wish to enter transactions just for one account and see the transactions only for this account with a running balance, then you must select the account with the menu option Accounts.

The balance of an account is only meaningful if you enter all the transactions for this account. If you want to control only parts of your expenses or income, then the pain for entering all the transactions would be too big and you should just ignore the balance or adjust it by editing the account. The pain for entering transactions is minimized by always prefilling it with the most recently entered data.

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