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Edit Client

Screen for editing a new or existing client. There is a menu option for deleting the client.

The client name must be unique. If  you change it, all the projects, tasks and time items of this client will be changed accordingly. Changing the client name to an existing one is allowed:  all its projects, tasks and time items will be transferred to this client (as long as the projects and task do not exist there).

If  you delete the client, all its projects, tasks and time items will be deleted also.


You may mark the client as "obsolete". Its projects, tasks and time items will remain unchanged, but the client will no longer be included in the selection list.

Default Billable or Non-Billable

A default billing status to be used for new time entries can be given.

Hourly rate

You may enter an hourly rate for the client that will be used to calculate an amount for billable time items. This can be used for a "primitive" billing solution, but primarily it is intended just for showing how much money you can expect to get for your work. The amount will be calculated for each time item in the item lists and on the totals screen.


In the notes field you may enter the email address of the client if you want to send emails with details of specific time items to clients.

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